Happy Birthday, Dr. Papanicolaou!!!

Michelle Hopkins, CT (ASCP), of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma won the 2015 National Cytotechnology Day design and slogan contest.

Michelle Hopkins, CT (ASCP), of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma won the 2015 National Cytotechnology Day design and slogan contest.

Dr. George Papanicolaou was born on May 13, 1883, in Greece.  A pioneer in cytopathology and early cancer detection, Papanicolaou is most famous as the inventor of the “Pap smear” test to detect cervical cancer.

The Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene (WSLH) began offering Pap smear testing in the late 1940s after WSLH Medical Technologist Normal Arvold went to Cornell University Medical School to train with Papanicolaou himself.

Upon returning to Wisconsin, Arvold started the WSLH Cytology Unit and also the educational program now known as the University of Wisconsin-Madison Cytotechnology Certificate Program.

Arvold also helped train two WSLH Medical Directors in cytotechnology – current Medical Director Dr. Daniel Kurtycz and emeritus Medical Director Dr. Stanley Inhorn.

Every year on this date National Cytotechnology Day is celebrated to honor Dr. Papanicolaou and his contributions to medicine.