DHS Launches Wisconsin COVID-19 Wastewater Surveillance Dashboard

On December 9th the Wisconsin Department of Health Services launched a COVID-19 wastewater surveillance dashboard. Dashboard data is provided by scientists with the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene COVID-19 wastewater surveillance program and researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

According to the DHS news release, “The new dashboard contains sewershed locations and boundaries, the levels of SARS-CoV-2 virus in the wastewater, and the daily new COVID-19 case rates within the chosen sewershed. A sewershed is an area of land where raw sewage from homes, businesses, and industries flows through a series of sewer pipes to a single downstream point, where it enters a wastewater treatment plant. Approximately 70 sewersheds are currently enrolled in this program, which covers over 50% of the state’s residents.”

Learn more from this NBC 15 story – https://www.nbc15.com/2020/12/11/wastewater-surveillance-leads-to-early-detection-of-coronavirus/