WSLH Shipping & Receiving


Newborn Screening, Cytogenetics, Cytology Laboratories
Communicable Disease, Environmental and Occupational Laboratories
HM Receiving MAP AG map2
465 Henry Mall
Madison, WI 53706
2601 Agriculture Dr.
Madison, WI 53718
(608) 224-6206
Please deliver all packages to the “Loading
Dock Entrance”on the south side of the building. Parking spots are available in the
service driveway for drop off.
Please deliver all samples and packages to the loading dock in the back of the building off Vondron Road.


465 Henry Mall, Rm. 109



465 Henry Mall, Rm. 159

2601 Agriculture Drive, Rm. 138


Specimen Receiving

465 Henry Mall, Rm. 135

2601 Agriculture Drive, Rm. 134
608-224-6205 – Environmental Specimens
800-862-1013 – Communicable Disease Specimens