How to Obtain NBS Test Results

The WSLH Newborn Screening (NBS) Laboratory can only provide results for individuals that were tested in Wisconsin. For out-of-state births, please contact the birth state for newborn screen results. You can find individual state information here:


Patients / Parents / College Students

Newborn screening results, including sickle cell results, can be requested by contacting your health care provider.


NBS Test Results Prior to March 1, 2012 are No Longer Available


Due to the sunsetting of a 30-year-old laboratory information system, we are no longer able to access newborn screening results for tests performed prior to March 1, 2012. As a reminder, at the time when newborn screening was completed, newborn screening results were sent to the submitter (birth hospital, midwife, birthing attendant).


Health Care Providers

If you are a health care provider, please click on the NBS REPORT REQUEST FORM button below, print, and complete all the required fields. Fax the completed form to 608-262-5494.

PLEASE NOTE: Requests for all reports are generally provided via fax within 3-5 business days; 7-10 days via USPS. If faster turnaround is necessary, please indicate date needed on your request. Any report request found to be incomplete may require additional processing time.


Attn: Submitters and Providers

To ensure timely receipt of NBS reports, it is recommended that you establish an agreement with WSLH to receive by auto-fax (rather than mail) all NBS reports as they become available. To establish an auto-fax agreement, or modify an existing auto-fax agreement, please contact our laboratory at 608-262-6547 or email